Happy New Year to all! (And a super belated Merry Christmas. Derp.)
I'm eschewing all pretenses at new year's resolutions and have decided to embark instead on craft projects throughout the year, to be logged and documented on an old Starbucks leatherette planner that's been gutted and refilled with nice blank pages.
Lesson 1: Make it pretty but not perfect. So I won't be afraid to make mistakes and be frozen with fear instead of actually starting the doing.
The leatherette planner was an old 2008 planner that has been sitting around for ages that I've been meaning to refill and use for something. Several trips to National Bookstore yielded no premade refill paper that would fit the rings. So I said screw the search and started punching holes on standard bond paper to make my own refills. Problem solved.
Lession 2: Start the doing. Never mind that the materials aren't complete or if a crucial step is missed now and then. Just start doing.
Project 13A is a white shirt embroidered with a whale shark (yesss, addictions...) in bright blue embroidery floss. Inspired by the designer Aida Coronado's mexican clothes with its exquisite embroidery, I wanted to start practicing embroidery again. Last time I held embroidery floss was almost 15 years ago when cross stitch was all the rage. I finished after 4 nights of sewing.
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