Friday, August 03, 2012

On post cards and protests

A picture I drew on a postcard for the Georgia Aquarium
I love postcards. I love sending mail and I love getting mail in the mailbox that aren't bills or flyers.

In this age of the internet when all communications are done instantaneously at your own comfort while sitting in front of an indifferent computer screen, writing by hand even just a short note and making the extra effort to go to a post office to mail it is to me an act of love.

The Philippine postal service, like the rest of the world's postal service, I guess, is a dying system. As a means of communication, it is quite obviously being surpassed by the internet and mobile cell networks in terms of efficiency. Not to mention that transporting an actual object such as a postcard to a far off place arguably incurs a higher carbon footprint than using existing networks to convey the same message.

At least 20 different muscles are used when writing by hand. In the Philippines, we send mail at an actual post office, usually located at the town center, instead of just dropping it at a mailbox and waiting for a postman to come pick it up. When I do have the time, I try to make what I'm writing look pretty, adding drawings and little side notes.

All the effort made when sending a handwritten note implies a value is being given to the act. A value that is, to me, immeasurable. Like those Visa commercials, sending a post card, priceless.

Cyber Whale Warriors, a campaign community on Facebook, created a postcard writing campaign to tell the Georgia Aquarium to stop the import of 18 wild caught beluga whales. To participate, send a postcard to:

Attn: David Kimmel
Georgia Aquarium
225 Baker Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30313

The beluga whales will appreciate it, I'm sure.

Blog Revival Phase, (or I really must practice writing)

I seem to be entering a creative phase recently. Since last year, I have been busy learning to paint with acrylics, have started drawing again, revived my old sketchbook and got a new watercolor paper pad for my watercolor pencils, been knitting like mad though only finishing one out of every three projects, and am now making a new Wordpress theme.

And since I was already working on Wordpress, I thought, "Oh hey, why don't I revive my old blogs?"

So there.